Shall we take a quick jaunt around the skinnysphere to see what goodness we can find to help you achieve your fit goals:
Need some inspiration to clean: Kelly unloaded from her closet some serious bags of clothes from her "skinny collection" to make room for those future new clothes. She even drew a curvy, skinny, hourglass figure on each bag. So creative indeed! [Choosing Losing]
Soup & Fitness: MizFit, with the arms that so make me drool, shows us how to firm the back of the arms using soup cans. Oh yes! Saying you don't have dumb bells is no excuse any more. That can of chicken stock can help you make sexy triceps and a fabulous Risotto. [MizFit Online]
Enough sleep? Roni asks that all important question, are you getting enough sleep? Don't remind me of Insomnia March when I tossed and turned. Lack of sleep can affect your waistline especially if you're up late doing the night noshing thing. [Roni's Weigh]
Your thoughts & fitness: Liz is a trainer who emphasizes the importance of what yout think, the thoughts that run throught your head, and how those thought positive or negative affect your fitness goals. Here is one of my favorite parts of this post (I embellished a bit): "Life’s battles don’t always go to the stronger or faster woman.
But sooner or later the woman who wins is the woman who thinks she can!” Amen sister! [Liz Rosenbaum Fitness]
The Global Warming Diet: GretaKikki's perspective on the UN's call to curb global warning by the cutting of cow meat consumption is quite giggly. She makes an excellent point though. [Does this Blog Make Us Look Fat]
Fit blogger tips around the skinnysphere
Shall we take a quick jaunt around the skinnysphere to see what goodness we can find to help you achieve your fit goals:
Need some inspiration to clean: Kelly unloaded from her closet some serious bags of clothes from her "skinny collection" to make room for those future new clothes. She even drew a curvy, skinny, hourglass figure on each bag. So creative indeed! [Choosing Losing]
Soup & Fitness: MizFit, with the arms that so make me drool, shows us how to firm the back of the arms using soup cans. Oh yes! Saying you don't have dumb bells is no excuse any more. That can of chicken stock can help you make sexy triceps and a fabulous Risotto. [MizFit Online]
Enough sleep? Roni asks that all important question, are you getting enough sleep? Don't remind me of Insomnia March when I tossed and turned. Lack of sleep can affect your waistline especially if you're up late doing the night noshing thing. [Roni's Weigh]
Your thoughts & fitness: Liz is a trainer who emphasizes the importance of what yout think, the thoughts that run throught your head, and how those thought positive or negative affect your fitness goals. Here is one of my favorite parts of this post (I embellished a bit): "Life’s battles don’t always go to the stronger or faster woman.
But sooner or later the woman who wins is the woman who thinks she can!” Amen sister! [Liz Rosenbaum Fitness]
The Global Warming Diet: GretaKikki's perspective on the UN's call to curb global warning by the cutting of cow meat consumption is quite giggly. She makes an excellent point though. [Does this Blog Make Us Look Fat]
Shall we take a quick jaunt around the skinnysphere to see what goodness we can find to help you achieve your fit goals:
Posted by Stephanie Quilao on Sep 09, 2008 in Skinny commentary & news | Permalink
Tags: fitness, health, lose weight, weight loss
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