On the cover of the newest issue of W magazine is Angelina Jolie breastfeeding one of her baby twins. The picture was taken by Brad Dad, and there are more pictures in the magazine.
I think the picture itself is beautiful but on the cover of W is a bit odd to me although it is the "Art Issue" so I guess that would be fine. The placement has a slight taste of "anything with Angie and baby will sell millions of copies." On the other hand too, I find the naturalness of the shot refreshing as opposed to looking at yet another coutured up model with dead eyes or some glamed up celeb with her baby on a set. Perhaps too, I'm just thinking way too much about this, but what the heck, it's good Friday fun bits.
So, I'm curious, what do you all think of this shot as a cover picture for fashion magazine W, cool or too much information?
Source: Daily Mail