Who are the famous fitness and wellness gurus of color in the US?
The other day I was at my favorite Barnes & Noble perusing around the Diet, Health, and Fitness sections to see what is currently on the shelves. I find that what may be popular on Amazon may not necessarily be popular in your local bookstore. Living in health and fitness obsessed California you imagine correctly in that choices in fitness, diet, and wellness books, DVDs, and products abound like famesters on the red carpet.
As a took a glance at the wall of books, it dawned on me that I felt like the same white woman and man was staring back at me. As well, not mutually exclusive, most of the covers had that homogeneous stock photo look to them. So, why does this even matter at all?
When it comes to health and fitness information, all I really care about at the end of the day is getting good solid information from people who are smart, sharp, warm, experienced, and humble sounding. I'm big on voice. Age, gender, race, body type, degrees or not, etc are not driving factors when it comes to me deciding whether you are authoritative or worthy of my respect or not. I'm more about meritocracy and what people stand for.
Like those who'd like to see more diversity in body type images, me as a consumer would also like to see more diversity in ethnicity as the US is supposed to be the biggest melting pot in the world. I would enjoy seeing an Asian woman flexing, kicking, and giving out health tips. Since Kiana Tom of ESPN in the 90's, I haven't really seen any other Asian women in the fitness/diet/wellness forefront in the US, or have I been hiding under a rock? Can you turn me on to any? I'd love that!
So, out of curiosity, I got to searching for the celebs of color in the areas of fitness, health and wellness, and this is who I found:
No doubt there are many I missed. Who else do you enjoy or has been most helpful?
Who are the famous fitness and wellness gurus of color in the US?
The other day I was at my favorite Barnes & Noble perusing around the Diet, Health, and Fitness sections to see what is currently on the shelves. I find that what may be popular on Amazon may not necessarily be popular in your local bookstore. Living in health and fitness obsessed California you imagine correctly in that choices in fitness, diet, and wellness books, DVDs, and products abound like famesters on the red carpet.
As a took a glance at the wall of books, it dawned on me that I felt like the same white woman and man was staring back at me. As well, not mutually exclusive, most of the covers had that homogeneous stock photo look to them. So, why does this even matter at all?
When it comes to health and fitness information, all I really care about at the end of the day is getting good solid information from people who are smart, sharp, warm, experienced, and humble sounding. I'm big on voice. Age, gender, race, body type, degrees or not, etc are not driving factors when it comes to me deciding whether you are authoritative or worthy of my respect or not. I'm more about meritocracy and what people stand for.
Like those who'd like to see more diversity in body type images, me as a consumer would also like to see more diversity in ethnicity as the US is supposed to be the biggest melting pot in the world. I would enjoy seeing an Asian woman flexing, kicking, and giving out health tips. Since Kiana Tom of ESPN in the 90's, I haven't really seen any other Asian women in the fitness/diet/wellness forefront in the US, or have I been hiding under a rock? Can you turn me on to any? I'd love that!
So, out of curiosity, I got to searching for the celebs of color in the areas of fitness, health and wellness, and this is who I found:
As a took a glance at the wall of books, it dawned on me that I felt like the same white woman and man was staring back at me. As well, not mutually exclusive, most of the covers had that homogeneous stock photo look to them. So, why does this even matter at all?
When it comes to health and fitness information, all I really care about at the end of the day is getting good solid information from people who are smart, sharp, warm, experienced, and humble sounding. I'm big on voice. Age, gender, race, body type, degrees or not, etc are not driving factors when it comes to me deciding whether you are authoritative or worthy of my respect or not. I'm more about meritocracy and what people stand for.
Like those who'd like to see more diversity in body type images, me as a consumer would also like to see more diversity in ethnicity as the US is supposed to be the biggest melting pot in the world. I would enjoy seeing an Asian woman flexing, kicking, and giving out health tips. Since Kiana Tom of ESPN in the 90's, I haven't really seen any other Asian women in the fitness/diet/wellness forefront in the US, or have I been hiding under a rock? Can you turn me on to any? I'd love that!
So, out of curiosity, I got to searching for the celebs of color in the areas of fitness, health and wellness, and this is who I found:
No doubt there are many I missed. Who else do you enjoy or has been most helpful?
Posted by Stephanie Quilao on Oct 29, 2008 in Skinny commentary & news | Permalink
Tags: culture, diets, diversity, losing weight, weight loss
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