Can you believe it, it's the last day of 2008? In my head, it's still New Year's from this year. We certainly have come a long way baby! To recap a fabulous year, here in a stream of consciousness are the highlights of Back in Skinny Jeans 08:
- I came out about an ED relapse, and you all showed me and others just how much people, complete strangers even, can be so incredibly kind, supportive, and non-judgmental. The love and kindness that so many of you gifted me with indeed was key in my healing. Thank you!
- We had fun with Skinny Ass books, mannequins, weight loss theory, and BOOPiness. But I did remind you how flaws make you more interesting like a fine worn in leather jacket.
- We had a bout of insomnia, and was able to attribute it to too much interneting like over eating, and Pro blogging. Then pontificated about the emotional toll of blogging but agree that blogging is worth it.
- We got a shout out in The LA Times, got interviewed by NY Times reporter, got picked to be in AllTop, Oprah said hey wanna be part of our network, and Jillian Michaels thinks we haz it.
- Discussed the difference between "weight loss" and "weight management." Asked if you view your health as a liability or asset, and we all got off our chest what we wished our loved ones really knew about our body image issues.
- Lavished the thought of those days when you do nothing to glam up and yet everyone thinks you look hot. But then the folks at Redken hooked us up with a new hot dirty sex hair coif.
- Experimented with a "reboot" and went gluten-free vegan for a week, then realized the crazy conversations we used to have in our head just looking over a menu. But, we can still laugh at what goes on in my head when I go on a no-carb diet, and stopped saying we're on a diet but "on a menu."
- I finally came clean about the real reason I left my career in tech, and how not having the Asian skinny genes affected my body image.
- Everyone had an A-ha moment when we saw how perfect girl can hold you back instead of help you, and how we can self sabotage, have fears of success and kill the things we love. But, grandma taught us the true meaning of beauty.
- We got to meet in person some amazing bloggers at BlogHer 08, and at Quaker Oats, Oatmealpalooza. Cranky Fitness hosted a mini pre-view of my blog panel on coming out about the ED relapse.
- MizFit and I had ENOUGH of the bad PR pitches from healthy living brands. Better to drive yourself happy then crazy along with no more drinking of the beauty flavored hatorade.
- Is diet blogging helpful or hurtful? We got the guys to chime in on botox and chicken breast, becoming vain and bitter, and whether makeup really makes us beautiful.
- Got silly with some Banish the Blogger Butt, debated on whether window shopping was fun or frustrating, learned the virtues of creating micro goals, found some ways to stop stress eating, and reminded you of the benefits of drinking more water.
- We learned so much from 3 years of healthy living blogging. We did go kinda ballistic on Oprah about her weight gain as some tough BFF love, and we played women's magazine Editor-in-Chief for an issue.
- We decided to evolve from blogging about weight loss and blog more about eating wellness at Noshtopia, but then went on a month long hiatus in September, and reconsidered some. In 2009, we are re-evaluating that re-consideration because of that financial crisis thing that changed the game for everyone.
- We launched our new blog about lifestyle blogging, The Everyday Blogger.
Wowza! What a year, and what a good one it was. Thank you to all my readers. You mean the world to me and I could not have done it without you all. I'm so grateful!
I'll be back on January 5 to start off 2009 with my New Year's resolution theme. To give you a sneak peek, it's about money and love. Happy New Year everyone!
Many of you may have heard that Elastic Waist will be shutting down along with sister network blogs Product Fiend and Daily Bedpost. Mothership Conde Nast decided that there wasn't enough revenue sustainability in this down market. Seriously, I have no doubt the Dilbert drones couldn't see the future past the stat counter.
The shock of the news is still sinking in because EW is one of our girls, the playahs, the biggies in the healthy living blog niche. I also wanted to point out that I was really bugged by how Mediaweek referred to the three Conde blogs as "little known" so I gave them a piece of my mind over at The Everyday Blogger.
So today, on the last day of 2008, we would like to take a moment and pay our respects to our fellow healthy living blog comrade Elastic Waist. {We bow.}
I wish the best of luck to Weetabix, Anne, Kimberly and everyone else who gave their heart and soul at Elastic Waist. No doubt we have not heard the last of these fabulous people!
Update: Indeed, you can continue to hear some of their lovely voices over at Dearest Mabel minus the borg overlords.
Here's to our Dancing Queens
Posted by Stephanie Quilao on Dec 31, 2008 in Skinny commentary & news | Permalink | Comments (8) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: conde nast, elastic waist
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