I am so very honored to know these fabulous healthy living bloggers who have parlayed their writing talents from blog to book. So fitalicious! Take a gander and consider these books for a healthy holiday gift.
You're Amazing! by Claire Mysko blogger of 5 Resolutions
- btw. Yours truly has a mention in the book :-)
Why Your Last Diet Failed You and How This Book Won't Help You on Your Next One by Charlie Hills blogger of Back to the Fridge
- Charlie is the master of the funny graphs & charts. He also was the inspiration for my noshie health-upped grilled peanut butter & jelly sandwich. So yum!
Half-Assed: A Weight-Loss Memoir by Jennette Fulda blogger of PastaQueen
- Jennette shed 200lbs. Back in May, I did a podcast with Jennette about her weight loss journey and how blogging helped her. The girl has a hot voice so do listen.
The Amazing Adventures of Dietgirl by Shanua Reid blogger of The Amazing Adventures of Diet Girl
- Shauna is hysterical. Coming this January 9th, Shauna and I will be doing a podcast so check back then to hear her Aussie in Scotland accent. I think I will explode with excitement! Did I mention that I want to marry a clone of Scottish Kevin McKidd aka Dr. Owen "McBadass" Hunt on Grey's Anatomy? "Anything can happen on the vent." {like a steamy smooch}
Locker Room Diaries: The Naked Truth about Women, Body Image, and Re-imagining the "Perfect" Body by Leslie Goldman blogger of Never Say Diet on iVillage
- I got to interview Leslie about her book and about getting naked in the locker room. Yeah, it's hot in a "oh I hear ya girl!" kinda way. If you wanna see Leslie working on the quads, I snapped her in action in the hotel gym.
101 Foods That Could Save Your Life
by Dave Grotto blogger of Ask the 'Guy'-titian
- Dave is a a Registered Dietitian (RD), Licensed Dietitian/Nutritionist (LDN) and a comedienne. Seriously. He is very funny! In my Noshtopia interview, Dave gives us pointers on how to add nutritional bling to your oatmeal. This too is yum!