We got some BISJ housekeeping news, and then let me introduce you to something blog noshy and everyday I cooked up.
Hello holidays and experiments
I gave Back in Skinny Jeans a spiffy red holiday outfit, and yes, finally, I added a search box here at the top. Editorial wise, for the next 30-60 days, I’m going to do a bit more shorter posts and keep it lighter yet still valuable. I will also be linking more to other healthy living bloggers. You’re also going to see a bit more of gift and shopping ideas because I want to experiment with selling stuff on this blog, and the holidays is a perfect time to do that kind of experimentation.
Now, I will be sensitive to the fact that you all enjoy less sales type stuff here, but the motivation for me to experiment with the selling of stuff is because I need new income streams to keep this blog alive. Advertising alone is not enough because as you’ve heard on the news purse strings are tightening up around the big brands. I’m not entirely worried. Adversity just means that you need to get creative and re-strategize.
Which leads me to two more new strategies; noshy and everyday, I’m going to experiment with because from a business perspective I need to focus my energy on things that will produce better financial return for the amount of effort I am putting in. Because of the financial crisis going on in our country, I, and you who blog for a living, as business people need/must re-adjust and find new strategies that will work under these new circumstances. Instead of being afraid, I’m going to jump into the unknown and see what I can find, and of course I will share that journey with all of you. So for the immediate next 30-60 days, this is also what I’m going to try:
Because I’m going to lighten up on doing the long heavy posts on BISJ for a bit, it will free me up to focus some more time on Noshtopia and a new blog which those of you who blog will be excited about, but more on that a little later because I need to share some new chow with you...
Admittedly, I’ve not been very consistent on Noshtopia because honestly I’ve been struggling with worthiness issues because I have this voice in my head that chimes in from time to time telling me that someone (meaning me) who’s suffered from an ED cannot be respected as a food blogger and one that is focusing on healthy eating because I’ve had a history with an unhealthy relationship to food.
I know, to you and to my logical side, that sounds ridiculous, but okay it’s something to be cognizant about but nothing that should stop me or prevent me from being respected for my work. First, we here know that ED’s are not about food, it’s about control and emotional pain, and second what matters is the present, and that the content that is created is of value and is helpful. But this is me growing and learning, and I’m being kind to myself in that process, yet still moving forward.
Part of my healing was learning to have a better relationship with food which included learning how to eat better, and learning what my body thrives on. On Noshtopia, I wanted to share what I’ve learned and share my passion for all the organic, all natural, and new cooking and eating styles that I’m fortunate to live with here in the SF Bay Area. As well, I get to use way more of my creative talents on Noshtopia like photography, creative cooking, and graphic design. When I immerse myself in my creative energies, I find that the ED tendencies/fears disappear.
I finally gave Noshtopia a facelift which included redoing
the category section which is really picturesquely beautiful now, and I added an FAQ page to give folks better insight into my culinary point of view and food philosophies. Plus, I answer the question of why almost everything now is shot on a plain white background.
Why food is a more lucrative blog business right now
From a business perspective, getting traffic, exposure, and higher quality ad/sponsorship artwork and dollars for food is SO much easier than for fitness and weight management. Don’t get me wrong, there is loads of money to be made especially in weight loss, but my values clash with the majority of what is currently out there which include things like supplements, lose 10lbs in one week, Hoodia and Acai Berry Diets, and some stuff that just is not written with the same energy or intent that I believe in or promote. Now, I can't get away with it entirely because I use Google AdSense and you've seen the non-kosher ads here, but I've at least cut the amount of Adsense I use down to only one ad slot.
I’m really picky about keeping the BISJ brand quality high, and because of that, it has limited the ad, affiliate, and sponsorship opportunities significantly because brands like Nike women and the likes of the other bigger brands that I would love to advertise have not jumped on the fit blogosphere wagon…yet. This is why I haven’t bailed yet because I know it’s coming, it has to, so in the meantime we make money where it is easier, more opportunity, and more 80/20.
Food posts with pictures are much easier with higher traffic ability although they are a bit more physical work intensive. You have to go to the store more often but I could go to Whole Foods every day of the week as it’s so much fun for me. There are also WAY more food brands out there to choose from especially in the organic, all natural, and healthy eating arena. And in search, there are way more people doing searches on food items, cooking ideas, recipes, and healthy eating tips. As well there are more social sites and heavier traffic sites/blogs for food where you can get exposure and traffic pretty easily.
Say hello to The Everyday Blogger
And speaking of all this search, ad, and social media stuff I’ve been talking about, I have created a new blog called The Everyday Blogger which is about making a living as a lifestyle blogger made simpler. Here we speak Oprah versus Geek. Blogging is not simple work at all but what I want to make simpler is the language, explanations, and how tos. I’m often asked about the business side of blogging, so I’m going to do it out loud now. Plus, it will be a place for me to grow as well.
Besides getting how tos, tips, and commentary about making a living from blogging, I wanted to create a place where bloggers can talk more about the emotional, mental, and spiritual side of blogging which is what trips up people more than anything much like how the emotions are what trip people up in weight loss. And again, that is my specialty, the emotions. The Everyday Blogger is also written with a more right brain perspective because I saw that there is a big hole in that viewpoint of blogging.
Please read the FAQs and the About Page on The Everyday Blogger because it will give you more details. I also put a post asking what kind of content people would like to see, so please, share your thoughts as it will be very valuable in helping develop valuable and useful content.
I'm ambitious but not crazy
So, three blogs is a lot to carry, but because I'm wiser after my burnout episode, I am going to pace myself. I will post on Noshtopia and The Everyday Blogger on Tue, Wed, and Thu 1-2 posts. On BISJ, you will still see posts 5 days a week, but only 3 of those days will be new content. Not sure what three days yet but most likely it will be Mon, Tue, Wed. The other two days will be synopisis of the posts I did on Nosh and Everyday.
That’s it for now. After the 30-60 days, I will see how things went, and go from there. And, as usual, please share your thoughts, and let me know how I can serve you better :-)