Tuesdays are the day we're all about giving you a high five for making tiny changes and actions towards your health goals. Even if you just pass up one cookie this week or take a minute to breathe deeply, it's better than doing zero.
This month we're all about the Skinny Debt Diet to help you boost your financial wellness so you can create more prosperity physically and fiscally. One thing that helps me is having a goal sheet or to do list, same thing in my book. There is some great satisfaction in being able to check things off and see a list of all kinds of things you've accomplished. Again, it's better to do a bunch of small action items, than none at all.
So, to help you along the Skinny Debt Diet, I created this weekly goal sheet where you can jot down some of the things you'd like to accomplish for the week in each of the main categories: feelings, finances, fitness, and food.
Now, in this goal sheet you'll notice that space is a bit tight and that is on purpose because I want you to be concise and short.
Put down easy, doable, simple to-dos because again we want to get you down the path of better habits, and it's far more enjoyable to start with bites rather than slices lest you trigger your inner resistance monster, and when he/she enters the picture, well, you know what can happen then. So, start tiny, minuscule, effortless, no-brainer.
Download 8.5"x11" PDF of The Skinny Debt Diet Weekly Goal Sheet