For those of us who normally don't eat frozen meals, this option is starting to look real appealing because frozen meals are fast, convenient, can keep in the freezer for days, and you can always find a sale somewhere. How many of you got a frozen pizza in the freezer right now? {me raises hand}
As convenient as frozen meals are, some of them can wreck havoc on your body because of high calories and high sodium. Over at Noshtopia, here's 5 tips to help you select better quality frozen foods.
Have you tried Martha Stewart's Beef Chili with Beans sold at Costco? Here's what it looks like, and what I thought of it as a ready to heat meal. By happy accident, I came up with a different twist on chili toppings that are lower in calories and fat and cheaper than the traditional sour cream and cheese toppings.
And edamame! Oh how I love thee. To me, edamame is perfect for this.