Well, hop on over to Jungle of Life where I guest post and offer up 5 ways to help you alleviate those, "Acckk! I'm overwhelmed!" feelings.
It's okay. Breathe. I know...
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Well, hop on over to Jungle of Life where I guest post and offer up 5 ways to help you alleviate those, "Acckk! I'm overwhelmed!" feelings.
It's okay. Breathe. I know...
Posted by Stephanie Quilao on Feb 27, 2009 in Skinny tips for everyday living | Permalink | Comments (5) | TrackBack (0)
Redbook's March issue features Kate Walsh, and I likey! That baby blue dress is sexy and so fun. Kate looks fresh and fabulous. Yeah, there is some photoshopping going on because we know all covers are re-touched but here it is minimal. Thank you.
Can I say that I love Redbook's tagline, "Love Your Life." Nice!
The headlines look like useful stories. I would have liked the Kate headline to be a bit more, "I've always been the girl with a big heart kind of thing. Because, aren't we women always "trying" when it comes to relationships? When do we stop "trying" and get to the "being" part? I really want to find out more about that powerful love story. Me loves to read about love!
Redbook you did good this month. Now if we can just get Women's Health magazine to get on the same page. btw, thanks to all my readers who let us know that the new Editor-in-Chief of Women's Health came from Cosmo, and the issue I recently pointed out for it's misleading headlines was her first issue. That explains a whole lot.
Let's hope the new EIC of Women's Health learns quickly and does not bring too much of that Cosmo feel over because if I see one headline that even hints of, "Upper body workouts that lift your boobs for a better sex life when you can't afford plastic surgery", I'm out!
Update: Correction: Michele Promaulayko the new Editor-in-Chief of Women's Health magazine's flagship issue is not the March issue which I had issues with. Her first issue is the upcoming April 09 issue which hits stands March 17. So, we'll definitely be keeping our eyes out.
Posted by Stephanie Quilao on Feb 26, 2009 in Celebrities & the media | Permalink | Comments (10) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: kate walsh, redbook, women's health
Posted by Stephanie Quilao on Feb 26, 2009 in Skinny tips for everyday living | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: Adlin Sinclair, change, inspiration, quote
I really like the "Almighty" movies about Bruce and Evan. So, let's learn something about ourselves using this theme today. What if we were to do a "You Almighty" movie, and in the story God a la Morgan Freeman shows up one day and says to you, "Okay you! I'm going to grant your wish and take away all your traumas, pains, and damage. There will be no more pain from the past. Going forward, you will now have a wound-free life."
"YESSSS!" {You launch into the superstah pose than break into the cabbage patch}
For this movie, we're focusing on our wounds because many of our fears in life, the things that hold us back or keep us from moving towards or into our dreams and goals stem from wounds from our past.
After a couple minutes of the excitement of knowing that all your pain from the past is gone, reality starts to set in and you realize that on the surface living a wound-free life sounds like something fantastic, but this is a movie and it's not just that simple. We got 2 more hours to go and some popcorn to eat.
There has to be some angst, some laughing out loud, some moments when Morgan Freeman drops in to laugh at us and "our" plans, and then the climax which of course leads to the end. And that ending has to be some inspiring message about something like the things we want may not really be the things we want, or just because something sounds good doesn't mean it actually is good, or since this is the Almighty we're dealing with, there is the obvious God has a bigger purpose for everything that happens to us that we mere mortals have no clue.
So, let's start with the first scene. Now that your life is wound-free, what do you do with yourself? What will this wound-free life of yours look like? What is the first thing you think you'd do? Or, if you can't picture being wound-free, what would your life look like wound-light?
For example, one of the first things I would do in my wound-free life is ask a guy who before I thought was out of my league or would surely reject me (in my old mind) out on a date. The truth of the matter is that even in me Pre-wound-free life (today) that guy would probably say yes (or maybe not), but I'm too afraid to even find out because in the past, I was too wounded by jerks who made me believe and feel that I wasn't good enough. But since that wound was erased, I no longer have that rejection or "not good enough" fear.
You have endless possibility with your Almighty movie. You'll definitely start learning things about yourself. I bring this wound-free life concept up because it's part of something I am currently doing myself, which is changing my life in all kinds of ways...for the good. I'll be sharing more of this as the weeks go on. But for now, have fun visualizing.
Posted by Stephanie Quilao on Feb 25, 2009 in Skinny tips for everyday living | Permalink | Comments (15) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: healing, personal growth, trauma
It's Tuesday which means we give you a big w00t! for making any small changes or actions that move you a step closer to your health goals. We're all about "anything is better than zero" here. Hey, even giving someone a simple hug can pay huge dividends for both you and the other person.
Today, let me introduce you to the Clam Crunch. I learned this ab exercise from Jackie Warner's current Ab workout in Comcast's On Demand Exercise channel. I've been taking advantage more of Comcast's On Demand Fit Channel since it's included in my cable bill.
I love this crunch because it works the lower abs more and it's fun, at least to me it is as doing abs is one of those things where I get, "Do I gotta?" I know. But hey, we all have certain body parts that we don't care to workout as much. I do love doing leg stuff though.
During the day, since I work mostly at home, I've taken 5 minute breaks to do some kind of moving around or exercise to get the blood pumping. Lately, I've been doing these clam crunches. As well, TV commercial breaks are a good time to crunch out 30-50+. In the Comcast On Demand video of the full workout, Jackie also shows versions of the clam crunch for beginners and advanced.
The great thing about ab exercises is that you can do them almost anywhere, and even spending just 5 minutes working that core of yours can reap some good benefits. So, let's get crunchy!
Posted by Stephanie Quilao on Feb 24, 2009 in Skinny tips for everyday living | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: abs, clam crunch, jackie warner
Yes, this burger from The Counter was as good as it looks. TC does burgers in a bowl much like Chipotle does burritos in a bowl so you can skip the bready part. At The Counter, they use Angus beef from cows that were raised on a vegetarian diet without hormones or antibiotics.
I ordered this grilled 1/3lb patty beef burger on a bed of mixed greens with carrot strings, roasted corn & black bean salsa, tomatoes, and grilled onions. I ate half at lunch, and ate the other half for lunch the next day. The Counter also offers 2/3lb and 1lb beef patties, as well as turkey, chicken, and veggie burgers.
But the best part of the burger experience, of course, are the fries. Over at Noshtopia, I have some gratuitous pictures of sweet potato fries, onions strings, and garlic potato rings from another fave restaurant, Pluto's.
But not to worry, I'm not all fried and big calories today, here is a simple and yummy cantaloupe with Ginger Snap granola, pecans, and honey Greek yogurt dish you can eat for breakfast, brunch, or afternoon snack. Just looking at the pictures will make you drool!
Posted by Stephanie Quilao on Feb 23, 2009 in Nosh bits | Permalink | Comments (15) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: burgers, the counter
Posted by Stephanie Quilao on Feb 19, 2009 in Skinny tips for everyday living | Permalink | Comments (11) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: Bo Bennett, inspiration, motivation, quote
One day on Twitter, I asked people what they had done for exercise that day, and one of my Twitter pals @muayman told me he did some Hindu pushups and squats. I'd never heard of those exercises before so I inquired further.
I was more curious about the Hindu pushups because I've started doing the resistance workouts again focusing more on building upper body strength and working the core, that muffin top, the ab-eroonies because my legs are strong as an ox, but yet I still can't do one pullup to save my life.
Wow! The Hindu pushup is like a multi-tasking exercise as it works some major muscle groups, including the legs, back, chest, shoulders, arms, hips and abs. The Dive Bomber is a military style of pushup that looks like the Hindu but is different. Here's a synopsis @muayman sent me about the difference between the two forms of pushup and which is better than the other. I think both of them look really cool!
In this video, straight away you see Paul doing the Hindu and Dive Bomber pushup. Then, Paul does a half Dive Bomber, a back-up pushup, a close grip Hindu and Dive Bomber, and then a crazy "zOMG! You are strong like Cirque du Soleil performer" feet on the wall pushup.
I tried doing the Hindu pushups, and um yeah, I just fell smack on my face like girl-fall-down-go-boom...LOL! But, I'm not giving up! If you're bored with the regular pushup, I'd definitely give these Dive Bomber and Hindu pushups a go because it works a whole lot. If you have any kind of back issue though, I'd ask your doctor or trainer first because you will feel this exercise in the back.
Posted by Stephanie Quilao on Feb 19, 2009 in Skinny tips for everyday living, Steph loses weight | Permalink | Comments (7) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: arms, chest, dive bomber, hindu, pushups, upper body strength
Tuesdays are the day you get a gold star for making one tiny step or taking one itsy action towards your health goals because here at Back in Skinny Jeans we believe that small is smashing baby! Eating one less slice of pizza a week or doing 1 minute planks between TV commercials is better than doing zero as it all adds up over time.
I think one of the best ways to feed your brain and soul, and to find solutions to problems is reading books. At any given time, I have at least 5 books on my night stand, and I have about 4 huge book cases filled with books. I am though a bit of an unconventional reader, and I thought I'd share how I read because it could be something new for your to try.
For this post, I'm refering to books I read casually for myself, not books I get for reviews for my job as a blogger. Typically, I open books to random pages and read from the middle or the back, and sometimes the front. I don't read books one at a time cover to cover, and in linear fashion from page 1 til "The End."
Some of you are scratching your head thinking, "Well how can you get the whole story then?" This is my philosophy on books which not everyone will agree with but it's worked for me for years. Books are the way the universe (those higher powers that want to be helpful) talk to me so before picking up a book, I hold this intention in my head for a moment, "Okay, universe what do you want me to know at this time."
Then I go reach for the book that "feels" right and then open to a random page and read whatever is there. Nine out of 10 times, what I'm reading on the page has an answer, insight, or perspective to something in my life I've been needing help with. The one time this random opening tactic is not useful usually turns out to be something I am just not open to at the time. I do have a stubborn side too.
Sometimes I do end up reading the whole book, sometimes it may take me weeks or years to finish a book, and sometimes I never pick the book up again. I get the information that I feel the universe wants me to have at the time. As I see it, things work themselves out in the time frame that is best for all involved.
Hold an intention you need help on and then open to a random page in a book and see what your find. This exercise is very easy to do and may just open up new doors and pathways for you!
Posted by Stephanie Quilao on Feb 17, 2009 in Skinny tips for everyday living | Permalink | Comments (8) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: books, personal growth, reading
Okay, I know, I know. I've been on a bit of a rampage lately focusing on some low vibe stuff but please bare with me one more moment, and I promise, I'll lay off for a bit.
I'm really thinking that the stress of the economic crisis is triggering some people (famous or not) to switch into denial mode and venture to La-La-Land as they attempt to convince us to come along. Today, I'm just gonna focus on some famous folk.
If it helps, please feel free to Cornify my blog with happy unicorns. I'll understand.
{Okay, breathe}...Kelly is basically telling pre-teen girls that photoshopping is alright and that even someone like Beyonce with her beauty, fame, and talent is still not good enough so she gets the photochopping treatment too, and Dove is sponsoring this. If someone from Dove is in the audience, please tell me this whole Kelly thing is one big story error because if it's true, I'll be heartbroken...really.
Anyone else notice any other "WTF's!" Out of extreme economic stress, you think people are turning up the volume on thoughts of delusion?
Posted by Stephanie Quilao on Feb 18, 2009 in Skinny commentary & news | Permalink | Comments (19) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: a-rod, bar refaeli, gossip, kelly clarkson, true beauty
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