Tuesdays are the day you get a gold star for making one tiny step or taking one itsy action towards your health goals because here at Back in Skinny Jeans we believe that small is smashing baby! Eating one less slice of pizza a week or doing 1 minute planks between TV commercials is better than doing zero as it all adds up over time.
I think one of the best ways to feed your brain and soul, and to find solutions to problems is reading books. At any given time, I have at least 5 books on my night stand, and I have about 4 huge book cases filled with books. I am though a bit of an unconventional reader, and I thought I'd share how I read because it could be something new for your to try.
For this post, I'm refering to books I read casually for myself, not books I get for reviews for my job as a blogger. Typically, I open books to random pages and read from the middle or the back, and sometimes the front. I don't read books one at a time cover to cover, and in linear fashion from page 1 til "The End."
Some of you are scratching your head thinking, "Well how can you get the whole story then?" This is my philosophy on books which not everyone will agree with but it's worked for me for years. Books are the way the universe (those higher powers that want to be helpful) talk to me so before picking up a book, I hold this intention in my head for a moment, "Okay, universe what do you want me to know at this time."
Then I go reach for the book that "feels" right and then open to a random page and read whatever is there. Nine out of 10 times, what I'm reading on the page has an answer, insight, or perspective to something in my life I've been needing help with. The one time this random opening tactic is not useful usually turns out to be something I am just not open to at the time. I do have a stubborn side too.
Sometimes I do end up reading the whole book, sometimes it may take me weeks or years to finish a book, and sometimes I never pick the book up again. I get the information that I feel the universe wants me to have at the time. As I see it, things work themselves out in the time frame that is best for all involved.
Hold an intention you need help on and then open to a random page in a book and see what your find. This exercise is very easy to do and may just open up new doors and pathways for you!