Diet Pill in Another Country: LESOFAT the Other ALLI
I find it fascinating how you'll find the same product just marketed differently in different countries. While in the Philippines last week, I saw this huge billboard for diet pill Lesofat made with Orlistat which over the counter is Alli and prevents your body from absorbing the fats from the food you eat. The tagline translates into English something like, "Keeping on the fat?" Basically, "the fat ain't coming off?"
And yes, Lesofat has the same warning of spontaneous gas & poop so bring a second pair of pants to work. In fact, that would be funny to spoof that "Jizz in my pants" song with "Poop in my pants."
Last week - I ate a salad As I recall it was a taco salad Walked inside into the gym Got on the treadmill and felt the squirt and I POOPED IN MY PANTS
Catchy huh!
And how about that name, "Lesofat". Looks like they were trying to be all scientific like it's a real drug. How about Obesegone, Slimostat, Thinmentin, or Skinnioxin? The more medicinal it sounds the more money you can charge or the more it sounds clinically approved by the FDA, Fat Department of Asses.
So, okay excuse my cynicism but these diet pill marketers just really piss me off with the manipulation, and this Lesofat billboard at first glance is just so mean to me. Look at the pose of that woman feeling ashamed and embarrassed because of her weight, and then next to her is the hot skinny girl next to the tagline, "More Life With Less Fat" as saying indirectly that you have less life because your fat.
And after a moment of burning madness and aghast of the tackiness of this billboard, I stopped and then thought, well, harsh reality, there's truth in what they're saying. How many times in my own life did I let my fat keep me from living? How many times did I turn down invitations to go dancing, to a party, or to the beach because I felt too fat? How many times did I tell my boyfriends that I didn't want to make love because I felt fat? I chose to let my fat dictate the level of joy and living in my life.
And when I did get back in the skinny jeans, how much more did I go out? Um, like always. How much more did I feel confident and pretty enough to go to those dances, parties, and beaches because I was thin? Hmmm, all the time. I did do more living when I was thin, so Lesofat's line "More Life With Less Fat" was actually very true in many periods in my own life. What a moment of self realization!
But even with all that realization, the execution of the billboard's message is still tacky and mean girls. I still would not take diet pills especially ones that make you spontaneously poop. I'm too young to have to wear adult diapers, and even more importantly you'd be wearing the diapers just because you want to be thinner. Seriously, would you go that far? Perhaps Alli and Lesofat should do a cross promo with Depends....Okay, did I just go there?
Diet Pill in Another Country: LESOFAT the Other ALLI
I find it fascinating how you'll find the same product just marketed differently in different countries. While in the Philippines last week, I saw this huge billboard for diet pill Lesofat made with Orlistat which over the counter is Alli and prevents your body from absorbing the fats from the food you eat. The tagline translates into English something like, "Keeping on the fat?" Basically, "the fat ain't coming off?"
And yes, Lesofat has the same warning of spontaneous gas & poop so bring a second pair of pants to work. In fact, that would be funny to spoof that "Jizz in my pants" song with "Poop in my pants."
Last week - I ate a salad As I recall it was a taco salad Walked inside into the gym Got on the treadmill and felt the squirt and I POOPED IN MY PANTS
Catchy huh!
And how about that name, "Lesofat". Looks like they were trying to be all scientific like it's a real drug. How about Obesegone, Slimostat, Thinmentin, or Skinnioxin? The more medicinal it sounds the more money you can charge or the more it sounds clinically approved by the FDA, Fat Department of Asses.
So, okay excuse my cynicism but these diet pill marketers just really piss me off with the manipulation, and this Lesofat billboard at first glance is just so mean to me. Look at the pose of that woman feeling ashamed and embarrassed because of her weight, and then next to her is the hot skinny girl next to the tagline, "More Life With Less Fat" as saying indirectly that you have less life because your fat.
And after a moment of burning madness and aghast of the tackiness of this billboard, I stopped and then thought, well, harsh reality, there's truth in what they're saying. How many times in my own life did I let my fat keep me from living? How many times did I turn down invitations to go dancing, to a party, or to the beach because I felt too fat? How many times did I tell my boyfriends that I didn't want to make love because I felt fat? I chose to let my fat dictate the level of joy and living in my life.
And when I did get back in the skinny jeans, how much more did I go out? Um, like always. How much more did I feel confident and pretty enough to go to those dances, parties, and beaches because I was thin? Hmmm, all the time. I did do more living when I was thin, so Lesofat's line "More Life With Less Fat" was actually very true in many periods in my own life. What a moment of self realization!
But even with all that realization, the execution of the billboard's message is still tacky and mean girls. I still would not take diet pills especially ones that make you spontaneously poop. I'm too young to have to wear adult diapers, and even more importantly you'd be wearing the diapers just because you want to be thinner. Seriously, would you go that far? Perhaps Alli and Lesofat should do a cross promo with Depends....Okay, did I just go there?
I find it fascinating how you'll find the same product just marketed differently in different countries. While in the Philippines last week, I saw this huge billboard for diet pill Lesofat made with Orlistat which over the counter is Alli and prevents your body from absorbing the fats from the food you eat. The tagline translates into English something like, "Keeping on the fat?" Basically, "the fat ain't coming off?"
And yes, Lesofat has the same warning of spontaneous gas & poop so bring a second pair of pants to work. In fact, that would be funny to spoof that "Jizz in my pants" song with "Poop in my pants."
Last week - I ate a salad
As I recall it was a taco salad
Walked inside into the gym
Got on the treadmill and felt the squirt and I
Catchy huh!
And how about that name, "Lesofat". Looks like they were trying to be all scientific like it's a real drug. How about Obesegone, Slimostat, Thinmentin, or Skinnioxin? The more medicinal it sounds the more money you can charge or the more it sounds clinically approved by the FDA, Fat Department of Asses.
So, okay excuse my cynicism but these diet pill marketers just really piss me off with the manipulation, and this Lesofat billboard at first glance is just so mean to me. Look at the pose of that woman feeling ashamed and embarrassed because of her weight, and then next to her is the hot skinny girl next to the tagline, "More Life With Less Fat" as saying indirectly that you have less life because your fat.
And after a moment of burning madness and aghast of the tackiness of this billboard, I stopped and then thought, well, harsh reality, there's truth in what they're saying. How many times in my own life did I let my fat keep me from living? How many times did I turn down invitations to go dancing, to a party, or to the beach because I felt too fat? How many times did I tell my boyfriends that I didn't want to make love because I felt fat? I chose to let my fat dictate the level of joy and living in my life.
And when I did get back in the skinny jeans, how much more did I go out? Um, like always. How much more did I feel confident and pretty enough to go to those dances, parties, and beaches because I was thin? Hmmm, all the time. I did do more living when I was thin, so Lesofat's line "More Life With Less Fat" was actually very true in many periods in my own life. What a moment of self realization!
But even with all that realization, the execution of the billboard's message is still tacky and mean girls. I still would not take diet pills especially ones that make you spontaneously poop. I'm too young to have to wear adult diapers, and even more importantly you'd be wearing the diapers just because you want to be thinner. Seriously, would you go that far? Perhaps Alli and Lesofat should do a cross promo with Depends....Okay, did I just go there?
Posted by Stephanie Quilao on Feb 05, 2009 in Skinny commentary & news | Permalink
Tags: alli, diet pills, diets, lesofat, weight loss
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