Hey gang! I'm back from the Philippines and it was a blast. Again, thank you mom and dad for that fabulous time with you both. I will cherish those memories for years!
I need a day or two to recover from my trip mainly because I caught a nasty cold on my last day there. I think it was a combination of the all the smog and dust catching up to me plus the blasting cold air conditioning and yeah, other sick people on the plane. I totally forgot my sickness prevention kit.
And, what time is it anyway? My body clock is all jacked up. The Philippines is 16 hours ahead which means I was there just long enough to start getting adjusted to the time change but not totally long enough before I got back home yesterday. I lost a whole day going to the PI and coming back..on paper...my trip home was like 3 hours. So bizarre!
In the meantime, enjoy this picture of an albino Carabao sticking his tongue out at us tourists. I just cracked up. Frankly, I don't blame him. I'd be cranky too if my job was to pull a cart full of 20 tourists every 10 minutes. I do have to say though that those Carabaos are some pretty impressively strong animals, and I think they're very cool....something about the horns.
I'll be tweeting over at Twitter @skinnyjeans because it's much easier on the brain cuz you know, 140 characters is pretty low maintenance so come on over if you wanna chat. We'll be back to regular blog programming in a day or 2. And yes indeed, I have LOADS of pictures. I took over 700 in fact, so I need to get those sorted and uploaded. So much to tell, I can't wait to share with you all :)
Thank you for your patience!