I really like the "Almighty" movies about Bruce and Evan. So, let's learn something about ourselves using this theme today. What if we were to do a "You Almighty" movie, and in the story God a la Morgan Freeman shows up one day and says to you, "Okay you! I'm going to grant your wish and take away all your traumas, pains, and damage. There will be no more pain from the past. Going forward, you will now have a wound-free life."
"YESSSS!" {You launch into the superstah pose than break into the cabbage patch}
For this movie, we're focusing on our wounds because many of our fears in life, the things that hold us back or keep us from moving towards or into our dreams and goals stem from wounds from our past.
After a couple minutes of the excitement of knowing that all your pain from the past is gone, reality starts to set in and you realize that on the surface living a wound-free life sounds like something fantastic, but this is a movie and it's not just that simple. We got 2 more hours to go and some popcorn to eat.
There has to be some angst, some laughing out loud, some moments when Morgan Freeman drops in to laugh at us and "our" plans, and then the climax which of course leads to the end. And that ending has to be some inspiring message about something like the things we want may not really be the things we want, or just because something sounds good doesn't mean it actually is good, or since this is the Almighty we're dealing with, there is the obvious God has a bigger purpose for everything that happens to us that we mere mortals have no clue.
So, let's start with the first scene. Now that your life is wound-free, what do you do with yourself? What will this wound-free life of yours look like? What is the first thing you think you'd do? Or, if you can't picture being wound-free, what would your life look like wound-light?
For example, one of the first things I would do in my wound-free life is ask a guy who before I thought was out of my league or would surely reject me (in my old mind) out on a date. The truth of the matter is that even in me Pre-wound-free life (today) that guy would probably say yes (or maybe not), but I'm too afraid to even find out because in the past, I was too wounded by jerks who made me believe and feel that I wasn't good enough. But since that wound was erased, I no longer have that rejection or "not good enough" fear.
You have endless possibility with your Almighty movie. You'll definitely start learning things about yourself. I bring this wound-free life concept up because it's part of something I am currently doing myself, which is changing my life in all kinds of ways...for the good. I'll be sharing more of this as the weeks go on. But for now, have fun visualizing.