Best of Back in Skinny Jeans: Originally posted July 19, 2006
I love bread. I love all kinds of bread. I love the texture, the taste, and the experience. Up until carbs were designated "evil fat making food," bread has had a good reputation. Throughout the ages, bread has fed millions of people. Breaking bread with others is a sign of peace and community. Sharing bread is a sign of prosperity. Taking bread as the body of Christ is a holy act.
And then one day, bread became the enemy. Bread became bad. Bread was the obstacle between you and your skinny jeans. Bread became a forbidden food. If you broke down, and ate bread during your diet, you felt like a failure because you couldn't hold out. Some gurus with degrees and credentials said bread would make us fat, and we all believed it.
But what if....
Maybe the thing that is making us fat is not the bread, but the man-made, un-natural ingredients the large food conglomerations put into mass marketed breads. Maybe it's the trans fats, the hydrogenated oils, the overly processed grains, and artificial sweeteners added into the breads that make us fat. Maybe it's the fact that we'll eat half a loaf of bread instead of just a slice. Maybe it's the fact that we eat a sandwich at 10pm right before bed, and the extra calories have no outlet to be burned.
The French eat bread all the time, and they don't blow up like balloons. The Italians eat lots of bread and pasta too and they aren't treadmill junkies like us. In fact, many countries around the world have bread as a staple in their diet, and they are not worrying about getting the dreaded muffin top. They enjoy bread.
Bread is not the enemy. Bread is yummy and good. I now eat whole grain breads or freshly baked breads made from organic or all natural ingredients. Wonder bread and Poppin' Fresh no longer have a place in my life. It's about moderation. I enjoy slices instead of half loaves, and I feel good. I can continue my adoration for bread, and wear my favorite pair of Levis.