I have a small favor to ask if you plan on attending the BlogHer 09 conference this year in Chicago, could you vote for a Room of Your Own panel I'll be on along with some other fabulous body image bloggers called, Blogs & Body Image: What are we teaching our kids? (includes full bios of all speakers). You have to be logged into your BlogHer account to vote.
Panel speakers include:
MamaV of Mamavision
Roni of Roni's Weigh
Melissa Henriquez of Tales of a Disordered Eater
Claire Mysko & Magali Amadei of 5 Resolutions and Inside Beauty
Yours truly
In this panel, we'll talk about how blogs in general and what we as bloggers talk about on our blogs affects and can affect how kids and young people start feeling and thinking about body image. Blogging has become a very powerful tool to help counter balance the ill affects that can be absorbed from the media bombardment of unrelenting and unrealistic images regarding youth and beauty.
We appreciate your support :)