Best of Back in Skinny Jeans: Originally posted August 25, 2008
If I asked you to give me a number in percentages of, "How much of your day do you focus on what you can do?" What would your answer be: 5%, 20%, 75%? Do you have to stop and really think about your answer?
Now, if I asked you, "How much of your day do you focus on what you can't do?" What would that answer be: 5%, 20%, 75%? And, did that "Can't" answer come to you must faster than when I asked you about what you "Can" do?
If so, and you wonder why certain things in your life are not working out or manifesting the way you'd like, perhaps it is because you spend more time focusing on the Can'ts than the Cans.
Remember, what you focus on increases.
The universe doesn't care if it's good or bad energy. It just sees the amount of energy, and starts attracting similar energy back to you.
For example, if you spend 75% of your day focused on "Can't thoughts" like:
- I can't ask that guy out because he's too cute and probably likes swimsuit models.
- Why enter the talent contest because there's more talented people than me.
- I can't eat that hamburger because I'll get fat.
- I can't ask my man for what I really need because he'll leave me.
- I can't be happy until I lose the last 10 pounds.
- I can't ask for that promotion I deserve because I don't want to look greedy.
You are creating a life full of Can't, so how can the universe help you, or better yet, how can you help yourself if your thinking is flooded with Can't. As well, all that Can't thinking will drain you of energy and positivity.
Now, on the flip side, for example, if you spent 75% of your day thinking "Can thoughts" like:
- I can be happy just as I am right now.
- I can achieve my dreams because I believe I deserve them.
- I can talk to my man about some tough subjects because I know he loves me.
- I can eat half of that hamburger and satisfy my craving without consuming too many calories.
- I am really good at [enter your talent], so I can add value to others.
- I can reach my goals, because I've reached goals before so I can do it again.
You are creating a life full of Cans, which makes you feel hopeful, more exuberant, and armed with more confidence to go for what you need and want. As well, notice how your positivity energy increased just from reading this Can list?
So what are you waiting for? Start filling your days with "I can...."