Better Than Nothin' Tuesday is the day when we give you all a high five for making tiny changes or taking small actions in the direction of your health goals.
We're of the belief that a bunch of smaller actions over time will reap you higher long term success because you've made changes that are virtually undetectable to your Inner Resistance Monster. And, doing something tiny like eating one less piece of cheese, or taking the stairs versus the elevator is better than doing zero.
Now, we're in the throes of holiday food gluttony. There is food EVERYWHERE, and it's almost impossible to avoid it, and forcing yourself to not eat any of it is really an unnecessary battle. Being food jolly doesn't mean that you have to end up jiggly. As soon as you start feeling deprived, that's just going to trigger your cravings even more, so it's better to appease the cravings versus taking a Nada approach.
One thing that can help you enjoy some of your favorite foods is to take slivers versus slices.
See the pie chart of pie. Having a sliver of something will give you the opportunity to enjoy some of the pie without breaking your caloric bank account for the day. The sliver approach is also very helpful in buffet type scenarios because we know just how quickly a plate can fill up and stack up.
So, partake and feel guilt free. Even if you over do it a bit, that's okay. Tomorrow is another day and you can cut back on that day or go exercise a little bit longer. The key is balance and being kind to yourself; the best gift you can give yourself this holiday season.
Do you find that the sliver approach has helped you to enjoy yet avoid over indulging?
Taking Christmas week off, but enjoy these quotes
Happy holidays folks! I'm going to take Christmas week off to enjoy the seasons and take a much needed break plus doing some running for the half marathon I'm running in February. But in the meantime, each day this week, I will have a new quote of inspiration and joy because so many of you enjoy the quotes.
It's been a very eventful year of blogging here at Back in Skinny Jeans, and I'm going to re-fuel the juices because when I get back it then becomes you know what: "New Years Resolutions" time of year, and we all know what tops the lists for most people, "Get back in skinny jeans." Oh yeah!
But for today, enjoy your holidays, open your hearts, give yourself and others a break from perfection and judgments, and just enjoy being. That's it "being." Just be!
Happy Holidays!
P.S. I Thank You
To all my readers, your readership and support are a gift to me. I am very grateful for your time and insights ;-)
Posted by Stephanie Quilao on Dec 24, 2007 in Minimizing holiday weight gain, Skinny commentary & news, Steph's life story | Permalink | Comments (2)
Tags: Christmas, grateful, holidays, vacation
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