Last Friday, I landed my first TV spot on CNBC's show "On the Money" with Carmen Wong Ulrich. Here's the clip. Skip to minute 5:20:
For a little back story, in my "On the Money" segment, we go back to 1998-2001 during the last tech boom and how I found myself on a 3-month medical leave from my "fabulous" startup-that-went-IPO job. {I use the quotes because that job should have been fabulous but was not on many levels because well as Dr. Phil would ask, "How'd that work out for you?" Um, I ended up sick.}
If you're curious, here's what happened the day I quit that job. Here's how many people thought I was a moron for leaving all that money behind and my moment of clear decison making despite being partly insane, and here's one of the first things I did to get my health back.
Yikes! Digital cameras didn't exist back in 2000
The funny part was that the CNBC Producer wanted some pics from 98-01, and I couldn't find any on my computer because well, mainstream digital cameras didn't exist back then. Yeah, freaky realization as that was only 8 years ago. I had to call friends from that era and ask them to dig in their shoeboxes of photos. Then I had to scan. Oy vay!
The benefits of the art of self promotion
When we got to the part about how I'm now one of the top healthy living bloggers in the world, saying the " the world" part was a tough thing for me to say even though it is true and I can prove it because unafraid self promotion is not one of my strong suits as it is for many women.
Self promotion is an area where men have an edge over women in the workplace because men are more likely and more agressive about self pumping. Need a fast example, look for any male "WTF's" in top positions at your company. One probably popped into your head immediately. Those guys are not necesarily the smartest or the best, but they were the most proactive in letting the bosses know what they did and accomplished.
Are you rah-rahing for yourself?
So here's the thing, and this is how I got over my modesty, if we want to get paid what we're worth financially and move ahead professionally like I stated in my 2009 NY's resolution, then self promotion is part of that package. Modesty is not helping you. In fact, here's a recent Wall Street Journal article on how young women are more vulnerable to getting laid off in this economy mainly because they aren't doing enough self promoting. Yes, there is not being arrogant but really, there is a difference between self confidence and arrogance.
Oprah and Martha didn't get where they are today without self promoting, and anyone who is at the top of their game self promotes. You have to be your own best cheerleader, and I'm learning from that. So, the CNBC spot was one of my first homework assignments in stepping up to the plate. I also promoted my clip on my Twitter, Facebook, the Skinny Debt Dieters Group at Wesabe, and Linked-In pages.
You too can be on TV
Over at The Everyday Blogger, I share how I got this CNBC spot for those of you who are working towards building your own online brand and influence. And guess what, you too have a chance to apply and get picked to be on CNBC's "On the Money" as well. Oh yes!
Thank you to everyone who has given well wishes. It means a lot to me. The best compliments were, "You deserve this. You worked hard to get here." And ya know what everyone, if I can do it, so can you. Seriously!
Steph Is Quoted in February's Glamour...Next To a Topless Pregnant Woman in Jeans
I'm very excited to say that in February's Glamour magazine, on stands now, I am quoted in the column of Carmen Wong Ulrich of CNBC On the Money about making money from blogging. Page 124.
See, there it is. Very cool!
Now, you know I am eternally grateful for this inclusion in Glamour magazine with Carmen because that is uber fantastic, but the irony of my quote is that it physically sits next to an ad for maternity jeans by 7 For All Mankind, and the model is um, topless doing the "I'm still sexy and smokin' hot with my pregnant self in couture jeans."
I know the Glamour editors didn't do this on purpose but it feels kinda like, "What! Are you trying to poke the tiger?" So you know I have to talk about this jeans ad because it's what I do.
I have mixed feelings about this ad but mostly it veers into the *ugh* direction. I'm all for portraying pregnancy as hot and sexy, but I'm not digging this particular execution because well who looks like this pregnant woman except for 20 year old pregnant supermodels, and even then I'd think even those genetically blessed women would have a challenging time looking this perfect. Is this a Juno supermodel or some child bride knocked up because she doesn't look older than 21 to me.
The tagline says, "Maternity Redefined." A more fitting line would be, "Maternity. You'll Never Look Like This in Your Dreams."...oh, did I say that out loud?
In fact if someone told me this model wasn't actually pregnant in real life but was photoshopped to look pregnant, I'd believe it. If you know the real model, please let us know if her pregnancy is real in the shot.
On the upside, I have to say, I really love the hairdo. I could make my hair look like that. And I like the fact that a couture designer has made the effort to sell hot looking maternity clothes. These 7 jeans would look cool with a pretty flowy top like this one.
And lastly, she's about what 6-7 months preggers, yes/no? Who's gonna be glamming up that much when you're most likely feeling all kinds of things but sexy. And everything about her is still skinny except for the basketball bump. If she's got 4" spikey Jimmy Choos with those jeans, I'm gonna have to scream. On the Pea in a Pod site, they do have a mama-to-be in spikes but she doesn't look too far along yet, so perhaps the heels would be okay. But still, I gotta think it would ouchie.
The image in this ad is just off the reality scale in my opinion, and just creates yet another unattainable and unrealistic standard of beauty. What do you think?
But really Glamour, thank you again for putting me in the mag. If I can have any say, next time can I at least be next to a hair product ad like for Sebastian or Redken, that would be awesome!
Posted by Stephanie Quilao on Jan 15, 2009 in Skinny commentary & news, Steph's life story | Permalink | Comments (27) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: carmen wong ulrich, eva longoria, february 2009, glamour
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